Hope you're all having a better first weekend of the year than we are. David came down with a pretty terrible cold on New Year's Eve and on Friday I woke up with it. We've been snowed in and snuggled up on the couch...snoozing, coughing, shivering, fever-ing...catching up on our shows, playing battleship on the ipad and seeing who can hydrate the most...it's been an exciting day. So it's not quite the "off and running" start to 2014 that I was hoping for but I cannot complain. Even though we both feel pretty miserable, it's not so bad when you have each other! We don't get sick that often so I never really thought of it before but, I can't remember a time when we had coordinating cold/flu/bugs/sniffles etc...Any advice for quickly getting over bad colds when you and your better half are under the weather?
Here's what I've been trying so far...
Green Smoothies
Although it's not the case today, I pride myself on not getting sick. I guess I haven't been drinking enough of my green smoothies and green juices lately. Last winter when all of my co-workers, literally everyone but myself, came down with nasty colds and the flu I happily & health-fully (am I making up words here?) walked around sipping my green juice and avoided getting sick. I've been drinking them for the past 4 years now and have tried many variations.
Some great write-ups on drinking your greens here, here, here, & here :)
I don't own a juicer, I feel like I would have to buy a ton of green produce to make one juice so I don't mind going to my local health-food store for a green juice. Typically my juice order is romaine, spinach, parsley, cucumber, celery, 1/2 an apple, ginger and a smidge of lemon. It doesn't look pretty but I think it taste delicious and love that it gives me a whole lot of vitamins & a zing of energy.
I do have a blender and my go-to smoothie is simple and surprisingly tasty. If only I could get the husband to try! The first green smoothie recipe that I made is still my favorite: Two handfuls of organic baby spinach, half of a shredded carrot, one banana, a cup of almond milk and 3 ice-cubes. Blend it all up and enjoy!
Homemade Chicken Soup
There's nothing like it when you're not feeling well. Comforting and full of nutrients to help fight off a cold. I crave my Mom's homemade chicken soup on cold days and especially when I'm sick. Luckily I made a big batch of it on Thursday and was so surprised how delicious it came out. I don't know if I can truly say it's homemade...for a time-saver I picked up 2 all natural rotisserie chickens from Whole Foods. I took all the white meat off that I was going to use in the soup, set it aside and boiled the rest of it - bones and all for my chicken stock. After an hour of simmering I strained it (a few times) and was left with a delicious stock. I added organic carrots, celery, onions and a jar of diced tomatoes; some pepper, turmeric to taste...simmered until the veggies were soft, added the chicken and ta-da!
I made a side of pasta for David's soup and just add it when I heat a bowl up for him. I prefer it pasta-less. Had to give myself a pat on the back...so proud I can whip up the chicken soup I grew up with for my family now. Although I still think my Mom's taste better ;)
Tone It Up
Once I break this fever, I'll be more than ready to break a sweat. I hate to admit it but since November-ish I have been realllly slacking on getting workouts in and I'm feeling the downside. I need to remind myself that getting in daily workouts, typically in the morning, makes a huge impact on how I feel both physically and mentally. While it feels so cliché to start working out in the New Year...I'm eager to get back on track as soon as this lovely cold bites the dust. I looove pilates, yoga and running. I don't have a gym membership and actually prefer to workout from home. Anywhooo to get to my point....have you heard of Tone It Up? Karena & Katrina, the girls who created Tone It Up make it feel like you have two awesome personal trainers 24/7. They have an incredible following- a community of women that join their workout/clean eating challenges. They post amazing workout videos, tasty recipes for clean eating and have the most inspirational and motivational spirits. I also love their beachy life-style!! If you haven't heard of them, you must check them out! Right now they have a Love Your Body challenge that you can join (for free) It started the first of this month and goes until Valentines Day. They also have a new show on Bravo that just premiered last night, Toned Up! Definitely worth checking them out if your looking for some fit-spiration.
Hope you have a happy & healthy weekend!!
I've been meaning to try their work-outs!